Dedicated Hosting - Is It Time For You To Get Your Own Server?
Many individuals and small businesses begin with shared hosting. When a website only consists of a few sales pages and does not expect more than a few hundred visitors a month, then that can be an economical and sensible decision. However, when people and companies really establish themselves as a successful web business, they may outgrow the limitations of sharing a host with other businesses. Then it is time to consider a dedicated host, meaning that the server computer is step up and established for just that business.
For instance, did you know that you can share your server with hundreds of other websites. You have no control over these other websites, and yet your own website performance, and even credibility, can depend upon them. It is not that hard for savvy web surfers to find out where your site is hosted, and what other websites you share space with.
You may have a website that sells religious books and find that you are sharing a web server with websites that advertise adult material! Even though you understand that your own company has nothing to do with this, and you may have been totally unaware of this, it is a little like putting a church supply store next door to a bar a lingerie shop. You can be judged by your neighbors.
Beyond sharing a web host with unsavory websites, you may also share with other sites that experience sudden bursts of traffic, or even attacks, that affect the performance of your server. You site may slow down, or even go down, and you will lose business. Web surfers are an impatient lot, and when they have to wait more than a few seconds for their page to load, they will be sure to hit the back button.
The last point to consider is control. If you share a server, the hosting company is certain to apply very restrictive security to keep all of the account holders out of other people's accounts. However, if you plan on building one massive site, or maintaining a few dozen of your own sites, you will not have this problem and the restrictions will just prevent you from being able to use some software.
You may not have looked into a dedicated server before because you thought it was too expensive or complicated. However, you can find companies that will set up and manage your server as part of the package, making the whole deal as simple as shared hosting! You can also find packages that start under $100 a month. If you are serious about your online business, it may be time to consider dedicated hosting!
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