Planning to Purchase a Laptop Computer?
So, you're planning to purchase a laptop computer, eh? Don't worry, there's so many choices you're probably going to be overwhelmed-especially if you've just started looking! However, I'm getting ready to help guide you toward a clearer picture of the questions you should really be asking your self before you purchase a laptop computer.
Most anyone who has any experience with computer will begin with asking what kind of computer user you are or what type of programs or applications you're planning on running-I'm no different, this is a crucial first question before attempting to purchase a laptop computer.
If you're a gamer, then you're going to need something packing a little more power than the standard internet surfer who may occasionally chat, read a few articles, do a little homework, and update their Myspace account. So, what about the gamer looking to purchase a laptop computer?
Basically, go read the recommended requirements on your favorite video game and then try to at least double that as far as the video graphics card and RAM is concerned! Now, you need to make sure that the video graphics card is a dedicated rather than a shared. Shared means that the computer will be sharing, or pulling resource memory from your RAM, rather than standing on its on and acting as an independent memory source.
For the common user looking to purchase a laptop computer, you could almost go with Dell, Gateway, HP, or any other name brand PC's cheapest computer and be fine. Although, I always suggest aiming to purchase a laptop computer somewhere near the middle of the pack rather than one on either end. The reason being, the one on the higher end is just a short time from dropping off the expensive list, and the computer on the lower end is nearly falling off the chart!
Sure, I could go more in depth and start slinging "techie" words around, but I believe the best step to purchase a laptop computer is to find out what kind of performance the person will expect out of the computer.
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