The Sky's The Limit With Yahoo Web Hosting's Unlimited Platform
If you've been online long, you may remember when web hosting was limited. Many companies charged as much as $30 or even $40 per month for fifty megabytes of storage. Bandwidth was equally limited, and if your account went over its limits, your account was suspended until you paid to increase your limits. Unlimited hosting, like that from Yahoo web hosting, was unheard of until quite recently.
Some web hosts still limit bandwidth and usage. Yahoo Web Hosting offers an unlimited hosting plan that allows you to create, and host, a content-filled, user-oriented web site. If your site gets featured on a popular blog, or hits the front page of Digg, many web hosts will shut your site down for overrunning its bandwidth limits. With Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting, your site's popularity will only attract more web visitors!
With broadband connections becoming the rule rather than the exception, and video becoming nearly a necessity for business sites, limited web hosting is a problem. Yahoo web hosting has the answer to that problem. No matter how many video files you want to store, how many times they are accessed, or how much email you get and receive, your account will always be ready to handle it.
The matter of email storage is important. You want to use a company email address, with your company's domain, and maintain an appearance of professionalism. But many web hosts have limits (10 megabytes is common) on the amount of email stored for each address. Yahoo web hosting does not limit your communication with your customers. Send and receive as much email as you like. Yahoo Small Business unlimited hosting includes unlimited email storage.
Your business's growth online depends on your ability to provide the best, and most complete, information to your customers. Storage limits can make it difficult to include as much information as you would like, including video, audio and graphics. With unlimited hosting from Yahoo web hosting, you can put up as many PDF files, as many audios and videos, and as many graphics as you desire. Yahoo Small Business allows you unlimited file storage. If you've ever had a limited hosting account, you'll understand the value of this unlimited storage from Yahoo web hosting.
Yahoo Small Business web hosting is unlimited, and it's affordable. Where many "budget" hosts charge setup fees, Yahoo web sites come with no setup fee. Yahoo web hosting offers affordable pricing, with rates starting at under $9 per month for the first three months.
When you're looking for a host to help your business grow online, you cannot do better than setting up a Yahoo web site. In addition to unlimited Yahoo web hosting for a reasonable price, you'll find other advantages to hosting with Yahoo Small Business. The web design tools make it very easy and very fast to set up a Yahoo web site, at no additional cost. And if you have an issue or a question, you'll find helpful support staff available around the clock to help you get up and running again. And it's Yahoo Small Business, so you know it's reliable.
Russell Blanc
Russell Blanc is an expert in the web hosting industry and Yahoo Small Business and manages an information-rich web site at about Yahoo Small Business and Yahoo Web Hosting exposing the features and benefits of Yahoo products.
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