Yahoo Web Hosting - Without Limits, Without Boundaries!
Unlimited web hosting is essential to growing your business online. As a business owner, you strive to provide great content, and work to increase traffic to your site. Some web hosts penalize you for increasing your traffic. If you exceed your bandwidth limit with some hosts, you can find your site suspended. When you host your site with Yahoo Small Business web hosting, you'll never exceed the bandwidth limitations, because Yahoo web hosting has recently become unlimited.
Your Yahoo web site can store all the files you need to keep your web presence alive and vibrant. If you'd like to store videos and create a series of video lessons, tutorials, or other content for your visitors, you can do that with Yahoo Small Business. If you have a large number of documents customers may want to download, whether they're ebooks or graphics, your unlimited Yahoo web hosting account will allow you to store all of those files on your site.
The entire point of content is to present that content to visitors. Many budget web hosts strictly limit the amount of bandwidth available to your web site. If you get more visits and data transfer than your account allows, your account will be suspended or paused. All the extra traffic you've generated will go to an error page. But when you host with Yahoo Small Business web hosting, you know that your visitors will see your page, no matter how many visitors you have in a open up the floodgates and let the web visitors flow into and around your site!
You need to communicate with your visitors, and Yahoo Small Business lets you do that. You can have up to 1000 email addresses on your Yahoo web hosting account, and store unlimited email, including all the messages you've sent as well as those you've received.
Of course, unlimited web hosting requires that you have web pages created within your hosting account. Yahoo web hosting comes with a great design tool that lets you quickly and easily create web sites based on professionally designed templates. Yahoo Small Business provides the necessary tools to build all the pages you need, including forms so visitors can contact you. In addition, a checklist helps you build your web site even if you're not sure where to start.
Yahoo Small Business hosting comes with excellent technical support for those times when you have an issue or question. With round-the-clock support, Yahoo web hosting resolves your problem quickly and with great efficiency.
Many web hosts tout low prices, only to offer very limited packages and high setup fees. Yahoo Small Business is affordable, with no setup fee and a low monthly price, currently under $9 per month for the first three months. Yahoo web hosting offers reliable, unlimited web hosting, with a design tool to help you get your Yahoo web site online quickly, around the clock technical support, a free domain name, and a low monthly hosting price with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
When you add all of these features to the strong name, brand and reputation of Yahoo, you've got a winning combination in Yahoo Small Business web hosting!
Russell Blanc
Russell Blanc is an expert in the web hosting industry and Yahoo Small Business and manages an information-rich web site at about Yahoo Small Business and Yahoo Web Hosting exposing the features and benefits of Yahoo products.
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